The activity is available ONLINE and IN-PERSON, as a WORKSHOP or a PRESENTATION
Who is this activity for?
‘‘The treasure hunt’’ is aimed at students in your school board (primary and secondary schools) or in your post-secondary campus.
With educational & pedagogical touches included in this activity, our organization, TeMeF, has combined two (2) of its components, TeMeF Engineering & Technology and TeMeF Academy and to bring to light “the treasure hunt”.
TeMeF and its team have succeeded in simplifying the actions of engineers to make accessible to students the Building Condition Assessment (BCA) activities and this, thanks to a very entertaining and recreational methodology.
Indeed, the playful activity that translates into the treasure hunt has a dimension which is at the same time didactic, academic, scientific & technical.
Your school board / post-secondary campus and TeMeF do have a common mission which serves to ensure that everyone benefits from equal abilities, opportunities, choices and knowledge.
For your information:
We remind that the treasure hunt is adapted according to the age of the participants. Therefore, the systems mentioned on the treasure maps and that are presented during the inspection / treasure hunt, are also adapted according to the age of the students / pupils.

A revolutionary workshop that could replace substitute teaching hours in schools:
"The Treasure Hunt" is designed with a range of themes that follow the province's curriculum and that allow you to occupy your students in a very enriching way during the absence of your teachers, among other things.
It is about "certifying" our treasure hunters so that they (the students) become ''Apprentice-Building Engineers'', covering at the same time the systems of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and civil engineering.
SCIENCE is, in fact, a major subject in the province's curriculum.
Being in a constantly evolving technological environment, it becomes essential to adapt and understand what surrounds us.
Therefore, this activity allows students to better understand the function of the equipment that is present around them, to realize the usefulness of technical systems located within their own school / post-secondary campus.

This is a fun activity that TeMeF and its team of engineers have found to get the scientific engagement of students regarding technological systems that surround them in school / post-secondary campus.
The treasure hunt is simply one of the best ways for students to have a great time and to work together. The joy of discovery is universal. Going on a treasure hunt or shedding light on the mystery of engineering systems is a fundamental energy for every student.

For elementary, secondary and virtual schools, colleges and universities:

AT THE START : Students are treasure hunters (building inspectors).
ON ARRIVAL : Students become ''Apprentice-Building Engineers'' once the inspection has been validated.
For your information, inspections are visual only and not intrusive.

Treasure Maps
They are defined as the tool or the documenting support used to find technical systems or equipment related to the treasure hunt, resulting respectively from electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and civil engineering. These (treasure maps) also show the assets included in the school / post-secondary campus in question, when applicable.

Team work

Each class is divided into teams.
A treasure map is given to each team.
Each team member wears an inspection helmet.
The captain of each team receives a camera which will serve as a tool to prove the discovery of the various treasures (systems) by photographing the technical equipment associated with the inspection / treasure hunt.

A real competition
The "time" factor has been added to the mission to make the activity more competitive.
Consequently, the winning team is the one which will have discovered the greatest number of treasures, that is to say which will have identified or located the greatest number of technical systems in the building, for the time allotted for the inspection / the treasure hunt.


The treasures
They correspond to the various systems / equipment of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and civil engineering, identified & mainly located in the school / post-secondary campus in question, under the good supervision of TeMeF engineers.

With team members being from the Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO), Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE), Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), being certified Project Management Professional (PMP) via PMI (Project Management Institute), TeMeF is a certified CAMSC supplier which covers multidisciplinary activities including, but not limited to, the following expertises:
Electrical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Another mission of the treasure hunt is to make students understand the importance of having ecologically sustainable practices.
In fact, the schools of your School Board (or your post-secondary campus) are mainly located on the lands of indigenous people, so it becomes essential that the environmental aspect be taken into consideration. Therefore, among the environmental components, we can cite:
• The quality of drinking water
• Sustainable development
• Energy audit
• Indoor air quality
• Fuel oil storage tanks
• Studies of pollution and soil contamination
• Atmospheric emissions
• Materials containing asbestos (MCA)
• Contaminated sites and pollution prevention
• Management of hazardous materials and waste
• Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
• Wastewater effluent
• Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA).
Each of the points mentioned above is important with regard to the environmental management system. Therefore, virtual workshops for students have been developed by the TeMeF team to present each of these environmental components in more depth.



- Laureate of the Lauriers de la PME presented by RDÉE Canada
- Laureate of the Gala Horizon presented by Le Regroupement des gens d'affaires de la Capitale Nationale (RGA)
- Laureate of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) Gala presented by the Société Économique de l'Ontario (SÉO)


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