Your services & programs, your events & initiatives... they are all important to us!


TeMeF wishes to increase the visibility and readability of all your activities, in Canada and at the international level, thanks to the broadcast media that TeMeF can offer you, such as reports, special broadcasts and the publication of advertising spots on major television channels such as TV5 Monde and many other channels.





TeMeF thus wishes to provide support for the implementation of services, programs, events, projects, and initiatives of your entity / organization / company / association, etc. 

Wherever you are, in Canada or outside Canada, we can help you!

By way of illustration, we can list the following, but not limited to:

- The promotion of the diaspora living in Canada, all ancestry being concerned (African, European, Oriental, South American, North American, Asian, etc.);

- The objectives, structure, services & programs of your entity;

- Interviews with resource people involved in projects, events, and initiatives as advocacy;

- Actors / Actresses of Development and Change;

- The focus for better awareness at the level of target groups;

- Taking their needs into account in the preparation of programs and their involvement in monitoring the results obtained;

- Development policies and the presentation of their projects.





As you have well understood, this is about broadcasting the benefits & challenges associated with your activities (services, programs, events & initiatives) and the results obtained on the ground.

TeMeF & its partners will show how these programs have improved the living conditions of the beneficiary populations, to subsequently broadcast their testimonies, their hopes or their expectations.


To receive, for free, an EXPRESS QUOTE, kindly complete the form below:

The Mediatic & Audiovisual Accompaniment Form

Would you like to receive a media & audiovisual accompaniment for your entity's activities?


Kindly send us any relevant documentation to the following email:

We will contact you to confirm receipt of your documents.

Thank you for doing business with TeMeF!

Best regards,

The TeMeF team












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