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Please fill out the following form in order to have your application considered by our team. Thank you!
First name:
Last name:
Main phone #:
Alternate phone #:
Are you legally entitled to work in Canada?
You must possess a valid Social Insurance Number or work permit
Type of job:
Preferred Job Title:
Salary : please provide a range of amounts
Number of employers in the past 7 years:
Are you currently working?
If Yes, please provide the name of your actual employer & the type of job (Part time, contract, etc.)
Highest academic level (completed or in progress)
Certifications or Specialized Training
Your references (minimum 2)
For each reference: First & Last name/ Tel/ Email/ Company (its size in employees)/ Relationship (supervisor, colleague, etc.)
Where did you hear about TeMeF?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime for which you have not been pardoned?
If Yes, please provide some details below:
In order to process your application, please send out your resume at administration@temef.ca