Engineering Project Management
TeMeF Engineering & Technology constanly communicates with the clients throughout the entire project life cycle and the client process.
We can assure you that projects will receive the high level of dedication and attention that they deserve, with methodical planning of all schedules, prompt resolution of problems and an end result meeting clients' expectations.

Our engineering capabilities include developing an in-depth understanding of your processes and systems to analyze the breakdown scenarios and exposures that equipment create for your business. We evaluate the integrity and reliability of your equipment, identify hazards and deficiencies to deliver focused risk improvement solutions and reduce your equipment risk.
Below are some of the documents requested to our clients, for analysis purposes, but not limited to:
Latest Floor Plan Drawings for all assets
As-Built Drawings:
* Mechanical
* Electrical
* Architectural/Structural
Latest Electrical Single Line Drawings
Electrical Thermal Scan and Latest Arch Flash study reports
Previous Building Condition Report (BCR) if available
Regulatory Inspections – Other:
* Emergency Generator/Annual Inspection Report
* Chiller Inspection Reports
* Elevator Annual Inspection Report
* Pressure Vessel Annual Inspection Report
* Latest Backflow preventer inspection Report
Regulator Inspections Fire & Life Safety (We require at a minimum summary page or certification of completion) or the full report if available in PDF:
* Fire Alarm Annual Inspection Report
* Emergency Lighting Annual Inspection Report
* Sprinkler Annual Inspection Report
* Standpipe & Fire Hose/Annual Inspection Report
* Fire Pump Annual Inspection Report
* Latest Hydrant Flow Test Report
* Fire Extinguisher Annual Inspection Report
Environmental Documents (Latest within the past 5 years):
* Environmental Assessment/Audit Reports
* Environmental Screening Reports
* Environmental Emergency Response Plan (EERP)
* Sustainable Development Report
* Potable Water Quality Reports
* Energy Audit
* Indoor Air Quality Reports
* Fuel Oil Storage Tank Inspection Reports
* Designated Substances and Hazardous Materials Report
* Asbestos Containing Building Materials Report
* Pollution and Soil Contamination Studies
List of Completed Projects per building
List of Ongoing Projects per building and their status
Designated Substances Report
Roof Anchor Reports
Any additional relevant Studies, Reports, and Level 3 audits.

Engineering Project Management is very complex. Therefore, it includes, but not limited to:
Project Integration Management;
Project Scope Management;
Project Cost Management;
Project Time Management;
Project Quality Management;
Project Human Resource Management;
Project Communications Management;
Project Risk Management;
Project Procurement Management.
The above-mentioned expertises are accompanied, among others, by the following actions:
Determine the sequence & interaction of these processes;
Determine the criteria and methods necessary to ensure efficiency in operations and controls;
Ensure the availability of the required documentation;
Measure, monitor, and analyze these processes;
Implement actions to achieve planned results and to ensure continuous improvement;
Identify processes necessary for the quality management system in each project and their application throughout the organization.